Saturday, January 5, 2008

ChildBirth Classes

So we cramed about 6 classes in two 6 hour days... Pretty interesting

We got to see soo many things.. some things I already knew.. and some I didn't.. but Pretty much everything was interesting..

On this first day I took Chantal.. my youngest sis in law.. she is cool.. very quiet and she listens and learns like a little sponge...
I was kind of scared taking her.. because of course they were going to show a woman in labor.. and well for her to see those kind of things.. It went well!

Our Teacher was pretty weird.. and freaky... but funny

Class breaks down as follows

Class 1. The basics of pregnancy, pregnancy adjustment, nutrition, and exercise. A look at pain in pregnancy, labor and birth and the beginnings of coping with pain.

Class 2. Comfort measures during pregnancy and labor/birth, pre labor, timing contractions, relaxation.

Class 3. First stage labor: from beginning to end. What to expect, how to cope and answers to questions like "When should I go to the hospital?" and "Is this the real thing?" Also emphasis on being a great labor support person.

Class 4. Second and Third Stage labor (pushing and placentas), birth plans, doulas, and lots of neat tips!

Class 5. This class will focus on medications, interventions and complications.

Class 6. Postpartum adjustment, newborn care (diapering, bathing, cord care), sex postpartum your 6 week check up, bleeding, and postpartum depression.

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