I could just say it's been nerve wracking.... I went in for my first prenatal last week and nothing could be found... measured my HGC levels and they are not doubling up... they are rising but not doubling
My doctor, which I am planning on changing ASAP because of this... told me i might have an ectopic pregnancy... Or because of my levels it could be twins, REALLY DOCTOR, REALLY? from one end to the other one?
I was called on Thursday for an Emergency Ultrasound and Lab Tests... My HCG levels were down.. but there was a G Sac...but it was not ectopic and the Sac measured 5 Weeks
I went in yesterday my G Sac Grew but still nothing...
I've had no cramping until today... that could mean 2 things... Either my body is growing or my body is expelling a bad pregnancy...
Oh the wait.. I gotta wait for my HCG Level Results again... and also a progesterone test that was requested yesterday.... and the wait is just killing me!
I just hate when i have no saying on things...like this one... there is nothing, absolutely nothing i could do to keep this pregnancy... except my faith...
nara sabes que estoy aqui para cuando necesites platicar, y orare por ti y por tu familia....arriba ese animo que alannita te necesita tambien..
y nunca pierdas la fe, tu sabes que dios nos manda pruebas que podemos superar..
te quiero amiga...
Creo que este sera nuestro metodo de communicacion, como al inicio...
Como te ha ido? platicame estas en EspaƱa, te regresaste?
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