Friday, January 27, 2012

oh boy Oh Boy OH BOY!

We are so excited to announce that we are having a boy... There was a lot of women including my mother in law that thought (because of the shape of the belly) that it was going to be a girl.. I always like to prove that those things most of the times are wrong...
Most people tell us that we will now have "la parejita" but I hate to disagree to that comment... why say that if they won't be sharing make up, dolls, clothes... On the plus side, they won't fight for those things either...
Regardless... I love the fact that we are going to experience something new!!!  We are extremely excited!
A has also picked the name... but i'm not sure J likes the name... but hey...I got my ideas for the baby.. and I have to admit I love the Name that A picked... (will probably figure it out when we see his sweet sweet face)
On a different note.. I want to start Vlogging... I've seen couple of vloggs and they seem so interesting, maybe I'll try it sometime.....
Nuff of the random posting.. my head is all over the place


Sandy said...

Nara! Me alegra el dia ver un post tuyo! Que bueno que esten muy contentos se lo merecen! Y que nombre tienes pensado? Y con respecto a los blogs dios mio te habias trdado, tienes esa cualidad de expresarte con fluidez! Haci que no lo pienses mas sere tu seguidora #1 jijiji te deceo lo mejor y que ese bebe brinde alegria a tu hogar! Besos a la beba!

Sandy said...

Nara creo que por alguna extraña razon no puedo mandarte mensajes en facebook (por eso no lo uso jajaja no le se todavia) como estas? como va el bebe? y la beba hermosa? me tienes preocupada ya no has puesto nada en tu blog, lo checo muy seguido, bueno espero leerte pronto vale! cuidate mucho.

PolkaLeaf said...

Hola Sandy,
Esque la verdad no he tenido tiempo de meterme a mi blog.. pero te prometo que estare actualizando mi pagina, ya esta muy pronto la venida de el bebe...